• Plan. Execute. Achieve.

    Plan. Execute. Achieve.

News / Weekly Market Commentary

  • We approach each client situation and the advice we provide with the same guiding philosophy we use to run our firm: "Is it wise? Is it economically sound? Will it benefit everyone concerned?"
    Porter L. Ozanne, III, President, Probity Advisors, Inc.
  • Peace of mind is one of the greatest gifts you can give your loved ones. Knowing you have your financial affairs in order to protect those close to you is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.
    Porter L. Ozanne, III, President, Probity Advisors, Inc.
  • Our goal is to help our clients make sound, informed decisions about their financial lives. We do this by understanding the needs of each individual client, and then developing a comprehensive and structured plan to help them achieve their financial objectives.
    Porter L. Ozanne, III, President, Probity Advisors, Inc.
  • We provide advice and guidance to help individuals and families create and grow wealth, as well as to preserve and protect their assets.
    Porter L. Ozanne, III, President, Probity Advisors, Inc.