Tag Archives: financial advisor

05 Feb

Can’t Keep a Bull Market Down

February 5, 2021 Strong earnings and economic data spurred bulls to retake market highs this week. Tech giants Google and Amazon posted stellar earnings reports, pushing the Q4 2020 earnings “beat” rate for the S&P 500 to 84% and rallying the index to an all-time high. This was a swift turnaround for markets following last…

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29 Jan

Mob Market

January 29, 2021 It was a wild trading week on Wall Street as a flash mob of Reddit traders faced off against hedge funds in a battle that has been brewing over several weeks. Amateur traders have taken to online trading boards, sniffing out hedge funds’ top short positions (GameStop, AMC, and Blackberry) in hopes…

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22 Jan

Markets Rally on Earnings and Anticipated Stimulus

January 22, 2021 Joe Biden became the 46th president of the United States this week and his inauguration fueled a continuation of the market’s rally on hopes that a large coronavirus and stimulus package will soon be passed by a Democratic-controlled Congress. While U.S. economic data was generally light this week, with housing starts and…

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