Market Commentaries

10 Dec

Bulls Benefit From Some Christmas Cheer

December 10th, 2021 With 14 trading days left in 2021, bulls wasted no time in turning markets around from last week’s Omicron-fueled sell-off. The bullish sentiment on the Street was driven by early data on the Omicron variant signaling the variant causes mild symptoms and the current arsenal of Covid vaccines provide a high degree…

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03 Dec

When Scrooges Collide

December 3rd, 2021 Traders barely had time to settle into their seats following the Thanksgiving holiday before a new Covid variant and Fed policy shift flustered markets. Just as shoppers were heading to the stores on Black Friday, South African scientists sounded the alarm on a new Covid-19 variant, formally classified as B.1.1.529 – or…

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19 Nov

Holiday Shopping Gets Early Start

November 19th, 2021 A strong consumer spending report and optimism for the holiday shopping season helped markets shake off last week’s jitters over rising prices. Contrary to economists’ consensus that inflationary pressures would hurt spending, consumers are instead leaning into it with October retail sales up 1.70%. Results from frontline companies corroborate the report with…

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