Tag Archives: estate planning

15 Jan

Investors Bid 2020 Goodbye with Hopes for More Record Highs in 2021

January 15, 2021 After ringing in the New Year with more record highs, investors took some profits this week as they wait for the Q4 2020 earnings season to kick off next week. Investors welcomed 2021 on a high note as the U.S. rolled out its massive Covid-19 vaccination effort. As of Thursday, 11.9 million…

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08 Jan

Here’s to 50 Years

January 8, 2021 This week, we are thrilled to be celebrating the 50th work anniversary of Probity’s president and founder, Porter L. “Buddy” Ozanne, III. Buddy started his financial services career on January 2, 1971, and over the past five decades, he has helped innumerable families and individuals create and conserve wealth. He has also…

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01 Jan

Mob Market

January 29, 2021 It was a wild trading week on Wall Street as a flash mob of Reddit traders faced off against hedge funds in a battle that has been brewing over several weeks. Amateur traders have taken to online trading boards, sniffing out hedge funds’ top short positions (GameStop, AMC, and Blackberry) in hopes…

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